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and of course,
a lot of ordinary stories from
an ordinary teenager kid.
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Mela @2008.
Mela. all rights reserved.

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Tuesday, December 22, 2009

thanks, ma ♥

thank you
for the womb, as i slept profoundly comfy
in that nine impeccable months

thank you
for the sleepless nights you hold out
for my selfish baby cries

thank you
for the full cup of care that never ran empty
when i broke every leg of the barbie you bought

thank you
for the strain you tolerated to suffer
just to drove me to places where i got enjoyment,
while you still need to go to the office

thank you
for the allowance you gave without any suspicion
but instead, i didnt use it wisely and misused your trust in me

thank you
for every resentful scolding you shouted to make me sane
each time i acted like a childish bantling

thank you
for every advice you ducked in my head
just to keep pace with my maturity headway

thank you
for every sensitive story you shared
because you trusted me like the way i trusted you

thank you
for every sigh you dropped hard
because of the stupid mistakes i did

thank you
for hundreds of phone calls you made
simply because you were worried or needed to know where i was

thank you
for every brave fight you would stand for
just so i could be protected from public shamefacedness

thank you
for every wound and sad tear you bear
because of my babyish mutiny behavior

thank you
for each divine tear you shed
every time i made you proud in front of the student's hall

thank you
for every joke you spoke
just to cheer up my whole day

thank you
for every precious second
just for being there for me

thank you
for every motherly kiss you landed
just because you felt like it

thank you
for every mighty hug and embrace you wrapped around me
just to comfort me, or simply because your my mom

thank you
for your guidance that accompany me throughout my 19 years
because you want me to grow up in my own genuine pathway
like how you used to passed through

thank you
for millions of elegant and decent smiles you drew
just to keep my heart in the mildest state
and to remind me i still have you :)

i love you.
and always.

happy supermother's day, maa!



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Anonymous eve said...

bikin dw? *plok2*

January 6, 2010 at 3:01 AM 

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